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E-Learning Materials


In these difficult times we must resort to keeping the students minds fresh so as I tell them to not have a mushy brain when they come back to school.


I realize this seems as if it is putting a lot of pressure on parents and guardians to feel as if they are responsible to "teach" their student.  All I ask at this time is they keep reading and practicing skills in all areas that they are already accustomed to. The reccomended educational time per day for our grade level is 60 minutes.


The following sites and Apps will help you continue to let your student practice these skills.


- They still have access to their Moby Max accounts and should be working on this site, as they are already accustomed to it. enter Wells Elementary and then they may sign in.


-Kahn Academy is a free site and App for students to watch videos and refresh their minds of skills already learned this year.Visit -

and create an account.


- Epic is an online library full of books, comics, and many other reading resources. Visit 

Enter the class code: HUS7284

Type in their name and they are set to go.

There is an App as well that follows the same steps.


I will be adding to this site more educational tools but at this time I think we can start here. 


If you have ANY QUESTIONS please contact me! I am sad to be away from my students and would love to here from them.  

email -

phone - 618-697-4274

(feel free to text or we can set up a chat time)


Sending LOVE and HUGS to all of my little Llamas!



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